Vacuum components
Accessories and connections for your vacuum technology
We have all the accessories and building components you need for your vacuum system.
To be able to connect your vacuum system and ensure that all separate parts work properly, that the system as a whole works optimally and delivers according to plan, you need coupling components as well as control and measuring instruments.
At Low2High you will find both several types of vacuum couplings, transitions, grommets, sight glasses and manipulators.
Do not hesitate to contact us, we have a large international network of contacts and if a product is not available right now, we are happy to look into the possibilities of manufacturing it.
Our vacuum products and building components
Flanges and couplings (KF Coupling, CF Coupling, etc.)
Sight glass (veiwports) and glass components
Penetrations (electrical, optical, etc.)
Manipulators and moving parts in vacuum
Evaporative components
Vacuum chamber
Contact us for questions about sight glass, grommets, manipulators or other special parts. There are often special orders and various follow-up questions are almost always added!